"Under the Bridge” is based on acclaimed author Rebecca Godfrey’s book about the 1997 true story of fourteen-year old Reena Virk (Vritika Gupta) who went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Through the eyes of Godfrey (Riley Keough) and a local police officer (Lily Gladstone), the series takes us into the hidden world of the young girls accused of the murder — revealing startling truths about the unlikely killer.
桥下杀人事件第一季由格塔·帕特尔导演制作,莉莉·格莱斯顿,丽莉·吉欧,马特·克拉文,米高·比伊,阿努普·德塞,艾拉·迪克森,Evan Rein,布莱恩·马克金森,杰文·旺纳·沃尔顿,Maya Da Costa,迪伦德拉,River Codack,Jason Chu,Arta Negahban,Nadia Liebig,Naika Toussaint,乔纳森 豪利 普韦思,Isabella Leon,Cleo Patricia Annan,Diana Smendra等演员领衔主演的美国电视剧,该英语电视剧于2024年09月05日在本站完成更新。